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The Sportsmoran’s Moment As Tusker FC Defend Title 

Immediately Tusker midfielder Jackson Macharia slotted in the second goal from close range after defensive lapse from Posta Rangers.

Jackson Taking the Camera from Tim

He ran to the corner in celebration and immediately took the Club’s Communication Officer Timothy Olobulu Camera and Handed it Over to midfielder Clyde Senaji.

Jackson Macharia handing over the camera to Clyde Senaji

Clyde moved a few metres into the field of play and started taking images of speechless Tim as the whole team Team joined him at the Corner flag for the dramatic celebration.

Tim Mobbed by Tusker FC players during the second goal celebration.
Tim Still taking the Moment
Tusker FC

It was such a fulfilling moment as the players  appreciated the role he has played for them behind the scenes since he joined the club two seasons ago and coincidentally they  have won the League back to back. 

Fans Follow Action.
A Screengrab of Timothy’s Whatsapp Status

    Good Job Tim u deserve it  and Congratulations to Tusker FC on your 13th Premier League Title.

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