Picture Africa


Seven years break from any sport is enough to make any athlete retire. But one Linda Oseso has

taken the leap of faith and taken up the hammer again, seven years after taking a break.

“Last time I was here was for the trials in the 2014 Commonwealth games in Glasgow. It is

interesting to be back again with the same team, similar people are still here competing and

representing the country,” she said at her training base at the Kasarani stadium.

Linda Oseso

Oseso has a personal best of 60.80m from ten years ago, and now she is focussed on

improving that mark. Linda was born in Kenya in 1990 and moved to the United States at the

City of Seattle, Washington State

Linda Oseso

Her initial sport was basketball and only landed in athletics by chance. During one of her gym

sessions as a basketballer, she dropped an 11kgs dumbbell on her foot.

“Because of the long injury lay off, a friend of mine asked me if I was interested in doing track

and field in the spring because basketball is a winter sport and I said yes! Why not?” she


Linda Oseso

That is how she transitioned from basketball to shot put and discus.

“I fell in love with shotput and discus, and eventually in my junior or senior year, a coach from

the university UC Berkeley saw me at a track and field championship and told me, hey, I think

you could be a good hammer thrower,” she continued.

Oseso was not sure about hammer throwing but was willing to learn. In 2007 and 2008, she got

the opportunity to throw in college championships.

Linda Oseso

Her first competition for team Kenya was the Africa senior championships in 2010 in Nairobi

where she finished fifth. She has since taken part in eight Africa championships, and winning

the national championships four times. She then competed for Kenya until 2014, when she took

a break after taking part in two Commonwealth Games competitions in Delhi India in 2010 and

Glasgow, Scotland in 2014.

Linda Oseso

After her return, she has taken part in the Africa championship that was held in Mauritius in

June 2022. This she says was to gauge herself ahead of the Commonwealth games.

“My target (at the Commonwealth games) is to do my best. I want to come out and represent

the country well; i’m excited and honoured to be here and I thank Athletics Kenya and the

ministry of sports for the opportunity to represent the country.”

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