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Kenyan Government and World Bank Implement Security Plan for Development Projects in High-Risk Regions

By Kelly Ayodi

Dr. Raymond Omollo

The Kenyan government, in collaboration with the World Bank, has implemented a Security Management Plan to protect 17 joint active projects worth $2 billion in the North and North Eastern regions of the country. These projects, which cover various sectors including energy, transport, urban development, health, education, water, agriculture, environment, social protection, and governance, are designed to support sustainable livelihoods and provide alternative solutions for communities in high-risk areas that are vulnerable to inter-communal conflicts, armed banditry, and terrorist attacks.

During a meeting with the North and North Eastern Development Initiative (NEDI) Implementation Support Mission, led by Peter Taniform, the Principal Secretary to the State Department for Internal Security and National Administration, Dr. Raymond Omollo, discussed the operationalisation of the Security Management Plan. Dr. Omollo expressed appreciation for the long-term solutions provided by the projects in opening up the regions and providing alternative livelihoods for communities. He advised that the projects be managed under a consolidated Security Management Strategy, anchored in the framework of coordination and implementation of National Government programmes and projects.

Dr. Raymond Omollo

With the implementation of the Security Management Plan, the government and the World Bank aim to ensure the safety of the people in the high-risk regions and facilitate the successful completion of the development projects. This collaborative effort demonstrates the commitment of the government and its partners to creating sustainable solutions for vulnerable communities in Kenya.

Peter Taniform , World Bank

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