Picture Africa

We Will Appeal FKF’s Decision, Says Shikanda 

By Vincent Ooro

Dr Dan Shikanda

Kenya Premier League side AFC Leopards has expressed disappointment with the fast decision by Football Kenya Federation to dock them points, bar fans from their home games amongst other punishments that the club received after their fans were accused of hooliganism during their FKF PL tie against Kakamega Homeboyz at the Bukhungu Stadium on the 16th of April 2023.

In a press conference held at the Nyayo Stadium Kuche Kuche restaurant the club through its chairman Dan Shikanda expressed its disappointment by the federation to offer them punitive punishment while ignoring the home Kakamega Homeboys terming the punishment as “punishment to finish the club”. 

“We express our deep disappointment and concern over the unfair decision by the FKF League and competitions committee regarding our match between Kakamega Homeboys at the Bukhungu Stadium ” said Shikanda.

In their decision to punish Leopards against the fan trouble incident FKF Disciplinary body passed a raft of punishments to the club as follows 

The match and two goals was awarded to Kakamega Homeboyz, with Leopards getting docked three points from the already accumulated one’s, Leopards will also be required to pay for the medical cost of the centre referee Michael Obuya who was injured after fans got a better of him.

The hugely popular club in regards to fan number will also have to pay a Ksh 500,000 fine and be forced to play its next four FKF PL games in an empty stadium.

Leopards technical bench was also not left out with the head coach Patrick Aussems and and his assistant goalkeeping coach Lawrence Webo having disciplinary proceedings opened against them in regards to their conduct in the said match.

Shikanda also urged FKF to review and consider the decisions passed taking into account concerns raised,  after the match which was inadequate security, poor officiating and biassed match commissioner’s report.

Shikanda also added that they shall pursue the matter further and are heading to the sports dispute tribunal (SDT) to have the punitive measures by the federation overturned.

This is not the first time that AFC Leopards has been fined for fan violence. In 2019, the club was fined Sh1 million and ordered to play their next two home matches behind closed doors after fans invaded the pitch and attacked match officials following a defeat to Gor Mahia.

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