Picture Africa

Kenya Leverages Social Media Power in Fight to Locate Missing Children

PS Dr. Raymond Omollo

Kenya is taking a powerful step in child protection with the launch of the Meta Amber Alerts program, officially named Kenya Emergency Child Alert (KECA). This system, created in collaboration with Meta, the DCI, Anti Human Trafficking and Child Protection, and Missing Child Kenya, leverages Facebook and Instagram’s vast networks to instantly spread alerts about missing children.

“This groundbreaking initiative marks a pivotal milestone in our collective fight to protect the most vulnerable members of our society, our children.,” stated Dr. Raymond Omollo, Principal Secretary for Internal Security and National Administration, at the launch. Kenya joins 33 other countries, including South Africa and Nigeria, in implementing this life-saving technological tool.

The use of technology is revolutionizing missing persons investigations. Tools like KECA offer speed and reach, significantly increasing the chances of finding lost children quickly and safely.

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