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How Brig Lekolool Switched positions during President Ruto Inauguration

Brigadier Timothy Stelu Lekolool will remain the Aide De Camp for the new Kenya’s 5th President William Ruto. 

After the Judiciary led by Chief Justice Martha Koome finished admitting the Oath of office to the President and Deputy President it was now the moment for the Outgoing head of state Uhuru Kenyatta to handover power to his predecessor .

The former President accompanied by his Aide De Camp Brig Timothy Stelu Lekolool and Chief Of General Staff Robert Kariuki Kibochi was asked to step forward where the newly shown in President William Ruto was eagerly waiting .

Chief Of General Staff Robert Kibochi hands over a copy of the Kenyan constitution to Uhuru Kenyatta.

President Uhuru Kenyatta receives the Copy of the constitution from the General Kibochi.

President Uhuru Kenyatta hands over the copy of the Constitution to the 5th President Of Kenya William Ruto as his Aide de Camp Brig Timothy Stelu Lekolool salutes him for the very last time as his personal assistant.

Brig Timothy Stelu Lekolool switches swiftly in the background as instructed by General Robert Kibochi .

Finally Brig Lekolool gets behind his new subject to take is his position.

First Salute from Brig Timothy Stelu Lekolool for the new head of state as he receives the instruments of power from Uhuru Kenyatta.

The succession was smooth as Brig Lokolool found a new boss.

The ADC is the military officer who stands behind the President and accompanies him at all events. He represents the military in the presidency because the president is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.The primary role of the ADC is to be the president’s personal assistant and provide security if need be. Also some of the roles of ADC include receiving gifts and other items on behalf of the president.

Brig Timothy Stelu Lekolool  is the son of former Provincial Commissioner Francis Lekolool .

Additional Infomation The Star Kenya

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