Picture Africa

World Athletics President Lord Sebastian Coe Is In The Country 

Lord Sebastian Coe, the President of World Athletics, arrived in the country for a week-long visit where he will be on holiday and he has also planned to meet with the Cabinet Secretary for Youth Affairs, Sports and the Arts, Ababu Namwamba. His visit comes shortly after Kenya narrowly avoided a ban from the Athletics Integrity Unit due to a spate of doping cases in the country.

Lord Sebastian Coe ©Sportpicha

Upon his arrival, Lord Coe was received by the Athletics Kenya President, Lt Gen (Rtd) Jackson Tuwei. Despite the presence of journalists, Lord Coe did not give an interview, simply stating that he was always happy to be back in the East African nation.

Lord Sebastian Coe ©Sportpicha

The Athletics Kenya president announced that Lord Coe would be meeting with the Cabinet Secretary, as well as a few athletes, before speaking with the media. It is clear that the main focus of Lord Coe’s visit is to address the doping issues and work towards finding a solution to ensure the integrity of athletics in Kenya.

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