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Former Shujaa Captain Kayange wins directorship post in KRU Elections

By Charles Onyango

Former Shujaa Captain and World Rugby Hall of Fame Inductee Humphrey Kayange won one of the two directors’ posts in the Kenya Rugby Union Elections held today at the RFUEA Grounds, Nairobi.

Kayange garnered 18 votes to finish behind Leslie Mwangale who claimed 19 votes while World Rugby women’s Executive Leadership Scholarship recipient Peris Mukoko finished third with 17 votes ahead of Ken Thimba who finished fourth with 14 votes.

Moses Ndale retained his Vice Chairman post with 19 votes beating former Director of National Squads and elite performance Ombui Ratemo who got 16 votes.

Joshua Aron was elected Honorary treasurer for the third consecutive time unopposed while Raymond Olendo is the new KRU Secretary General after beating Oscar Mango by a single vote. Olendo polled 18 against Mango’s 17.

Sasha Mutai is the new KRU chairman replacing Oduor Gangla unopposed following the withdrawal of former Kenya Harlequins Chairman Joe Onsando

Newly Elected KRU office

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