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Sasha Mutai Elected New KRU Boss

Sasha Mutai, the newly elected chairman of the Kenya Rugby Union (KRU), has expressed his commitment to improving the sport in the country. In his acceptance speech, Mutai declared that “this is a proud moment for me to finally get the opportunity to serve the game I have always loved at the top.” He added that he is determined to take the game to where it belongs by virtue of Kenya being a rugby powerhouse.

Sasha Mutai

Mutai also called on all those elected to put aside their differences and work together for the good of the game and the players. “This board looks capable and I want to promise rugby stakeholders and the country that we shall not disappoint. We shall put the welfare of the players first,” he said.

Mutai, a 45-year-old quantity surveyor, emphasised the importance of unity and cooperation among all stakeholders in the sport. “I want to call on all of us, the elected officials, to work together for the common interest of the game,” he said. “I know that there were differences during the campaigns, but I believe that now that we have been elected, we can put those differences aside and focus on the bigger picture.”

Mutai’s vision for the future of rugby in Kenya includes making the country a rugby powerhouse. “We have the potential to be the best in the world, and I believe that we can achieve that with the right leadership, dedication, and commitment,” he said. “We must work hard to ensure that our players have the best possible support and resources to enable them to excel on the field.”

Humphrey Kayange and Sasha Mutai

Mutai will be deputised by Moses Ndale, who was elected as the vice chairman in a closely contested election. Raymond Olendo was elected as the new secretary general, while Joshua Aroni retained his position as the treasurer.

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